Weekends & Labor Day: August 30 - October 26, 2025 10:30 am — 7:00 pm

Author Archive

Community Spotlight: International Wenches Guild Local 73 – Wenches of Myth

When you look out across the bustling Upson Downs of the Ohio Renaissance Festival you come to realize all the different little communities that flourish here within the village of Willy-Nilly. From the ORFans to the Vikings, you come to know each of them over time and discover why playtrons choose to join a particular […]

Read Community Spotlight: International Wenches Guild Local 73 – Wenches of Myth

Veterans of ORF – Kim Tomlinson

In his book “Guerrilla Theater For Faires and Festival,” J. Paul Moore refers to the improvisational performance required of the cast members for many ren faires as a “nebulous energy which is transmuted into an experience for the audience to view or more often than not, participate in for themselves.” The theater is communication. Communication […]

Read Veterans of ORF – Kim Tomlinson

Pub Sing 2020

Every year after The Ohio Renaissance Festival finishes its run, the boothies and stage acts move on to their next festival. Those of us in cast and crew, however, snuggle up in our houses to wait out the unpredictable Ohio winter for the next three or four months. We decompress from the season, take in […]

Read Pub Sing 2020

Community Spotlight: ORFans

In previous blogs we talk a great deal about how easy it is to become a part of the ren faire community. From cast members to crew, playtrons to boothies, it feels like there are plenty of ways for people to become a part of our ever-expanding family. That being said, sometimes it can take […]

Read Community Spotlight: ORFans

Why We Go To Faire

Faire gives me the freedom to be me. I love to dress up and be someone else for the day. It takes me out of my mundane day to day and into a world of magic and adventure. It’s a community of people like me who are such a major support system and family.” Halee […]

Read Why We Go To Faire

Veterans of ORF – Courtney Beekman

Imagine if you will a theater troop. Each member assigned their roles, devoted to the part, and committed to making the play a success. Through rain or shine, wind and snow they take the stage to tell you a story. Only instead of tales of knights and dragons, it’s the story of an unassuming little […]

Read Veterans of ORF – Courtney Beekman