The atmosphere of the Ohio Renaissance Festival is one of freedom and adventure. There’s excitement around every corner, with incredible shows and wonderful characters to meet. You can ride a dragon in the Games and Rides district or become a fairy at the face-painting booth. There are pubs and taverns and shopping galore. It feels like a fantasy where you can do anything!

That being said, there are a few rules and suggestions to keep in mind while exploring the festival. Just being aware of them and showing a touch of courtesy can help make your festival visit more enjoyable. Read ahead and learn about the Do’s and Don’ts of Ren Faire.


DO Respect the Performers

From the performers on stage to the cast of the village, these people put in hours of work to make fun, memorable moments for you and your family. Remember that under all those layers of garb is a real person! It’s fine to talk to them and ask if you can take a picture or two. They live for that! But if you see a performer making a b-line somewhere, give them some space. If you ask for a pic and they say “Apologies m’lord, but I am needed anon.”, know that they aren’t snubbing you. They are likely running to their next show or trying to grab some food between acts. Do NOT put your hands on the performers without their express permission. Most importantly, if you ever see one of our performers outside of the faire, respect their privacy and their space!

DO Respect the Space

People come to the ren faire to have a good time, and our village has certainly gone above and beyond to provide multitudinous opportunities for everyone to enjoy themselves. We want our guests to eat, drink, and be merry. But there is such a thing as going overboard. Remember that ORF has a special Designated Driver program to help ensure that you get home safely. We also have a First Aid tent to help if you end up feeling like you reveled too hard. Know that our pubs have the right to refuse service if they feel it necessary. Likewise, please smoke only in the designated areas. The Ohio Renaissance Festival does not allow the use of marijuana in any form (gummies, tinctures, vapes, et cetera) on grounds.

DO Try Something New

Everyone comes through the front gates wanting the traditional turkey legs that are ubiquitous to the Renaissance festival. However, there are plenty of new and spectacular food options all around the village! You’ll want to try and eat before the joust lets out, since that will cut down on the line. There are a few things to know depending on the kind of food you’d like, so pay attention to the suggestions below:

For younger children, we would suggest the Mac& Cheese Bread Bowls or the Hot Dogs and Corn Dogs at Reveler’s Gazebo.

Looking for something light? Try out Chatteau Hibble for their Fig and Brie Sandwiches or stop by Marco Polo’s Bistro for an assortment of Street Tacos. You can also run over to The Shack for Veggie Wraps and Salads!

Feeling peckish? Two of Cups has Mini Doughnuts and Boba Tea to satisfy your snack needs. The Kings Nuts has Honey Roasted Nuts and Caramel Apples fit for a sweet tooth. Try out Medieval Indulgences for Fruit Pies and Baker Benji’s for Baked Sweets.

Want more? Check out our Food page to see all the options you can choose from.

DO Join the Fun

This goes beyond volunteering to go up on stage! There are dozens of activities happening around the fairgrounds for grown-ups and children alike! There is Fairy Playtime in Whimsy Woods and Pirate Playtime at the Chess Field every weekend where your kids can interact with the cast of the festival. You can go Wench Collecting and take home a mediocre prize when you collect 8 or more wenches! (Hint: Look for the red ‘W’.) You and your friends can be knighted by Queen Elizabeth I at St. Peter’s Chapel up on the Downs or go home with an organic souvenir if you sit in the front three rows of the Mudde Show. No matter what you choose, remember it’s always more fun if you join in!

DO Buy Your Tickets Ahead of Time

To provide a better experience for patrons attending the festival, the Ohio Ren Fest will now be limiting its capacity. Purchasing a ticket in advance will guarantee entry into the festival on a specific date. Season Pass holders, Any Day Adult ticket holders, Child tickets and Complimentary Pass holders will receive guaranteed admission. Once capacity is reached, the ticket booth and online sales will close. Front gates will remain open for pre-purchase ticket holders to enter.


DON’T Go Into Staff/Cast Only Areas

Remember that behind the scenes is behind the scenes for a reason. Any areas marked as Staff or Cast Only are not meant for guests. This includes both the area behind the booths along with places like the pub kitchens, the ORFans Tent, stages, and spaces like the Joust arena and the Cincinnati Barbarians ring. If you wander into these areas, you will most likely be asked to leave politely. If you cross the boundaries at the wrong time, like when the armored combat is in full swing, you could be putting yourselves in danger. Stay Safe and keep out of places where guests do not belong.

DON’T Sneak Alcohol or Narcotics into the Festival

Not only does this put you on a collision course with the festival security, but it can have a negative impact on the festival as well. This can put the fair’s liquor license in jeopardy, which nobody wants to see happen. The pubs of the village are some of the best places for good music, cold drinks, and great company. Give them your support and enjoy the delicious selection of adult beverages we have around the park. Remember to Stay Safe and Drink Responsibly.

DON’T Forget The Essentials

When visiting the Ohio Renaissance Festival, it pays to do a little prep beforehand. Look at the weather for the weekend you are attending and be sure to pack a few necessities for the day. Sunscreen, travel fans, and comfortable clothing are best for a sunny, hot day at faire. Likewise, bring a jacket, umbrella, and hand warmers if you plan on visiting during the colder weekends. If you plan to garb up, bring a change of clothes and keep them in your car.

DON’T Be Inconsiderate To Others

The best way to have a good time is to respect that you are not the only person here to enjoy the festival. Be considerate of your fellow guests and avoid being the cause of a frustrating situation. Nobody likes waiting in line for food, much less the bathroom. And we all want the front-row seat for a good show. But sometimes the line takes a long time, and the front row is already filled up. Do your best to be understanding.

DON’T Heckle the Performers

The type of stage performance our actors put on is an artform in and of itself. Many of them have spent decades perfecting their routines and building their acts from the ground up. The last thing you wanna hear while juggling flaming swords is some smart mouth from the audience trying to be the center of attention. You came here to enjoy yourself, and our stage shows will always bring their A game for their audience. Respect their profession and applaud loudly. Tipping doesn’t hurt either.

At the end of the day, the Ohio Renaissance Festival aims to create a safe and fun environment for our guests to enjoy. Knowing more about the festival and how it works can help you make the most out of your stay. Help us by keeping things enjoyable for your family, friends, and fellow visitors!